Homeopathy is a holistic medicine discovered and described by the German physician Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (1775-1842). Dissatisfied with the aggressive procedures, with numerous side effects of the medicine of his time, Dr. Hahnemann meticulously sought effective healing methods, with as few side effects as possible. Thus he discovered the law of similarity (known since the time of Hippocrates and later described by Paracelsus), according to which a substance that produces a set of symptoms if administered to a healthy person, will cure the same symptoms in a sick organism, if it is administered in homeopathic dilution.
Homeopathic remedies are made of natural substances (minerals, plants, animals) that follow a process of dilution and potentisation. Thus, very, very low doses are obtained, free of toxicity and side effects. Being infinitesimal doses, they do not cause addiction, but stimulate the body's natural tendency to heal.
I graduated the University of Medicine and Pharmacy from Cluj-Napoca and worked as a physician in a Psychiatric Hospital for Chronic Mental Ill Patients for 20 years, innovating the treatment through introducing Occupational Therapy and Art-Therapy. The highest recognition of my work happened when I was Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize 2005